Prices for recovering your time.

Lets face it, we think that this is !! BRILLIANT !!

It's not that we're conceited, it's just that we've realised the value of so much more of our time than before we were using it.

The Bottom Line

£5 per user per month.

Example Benefits

Lets look at some real benefits that people have seen:

  • Most people see more realizable financial benefit in a month that it costs them for a year.
  • Some the scale of the benefit in the first month is more than 10 years subscription
  • As you work with What-Am-I-Doing, it usually gets better month on month
  • One developer, in a single month, invoiced his customer an extra £1000 because he could prove the time spent and value added.

The only way that you're going to find out if it works is if you try it...

register for automated timesheet recording

  • We won't ask for any money up front.
  • We'll will let you use it for a while to see whether you like it.
  • We will get in contact to see if it's doing what you want it to.


We'd also love to hear how you're getting on - any feedback is much appreciated.