Designer Timesheets

Ok, so you're a designer. you probably work on a MAC - if you do, we can't help you at this time, but hope to be able to do so in the future...

On the other hand, if you work on a PC then there's a lot we can tell you about how you spend your time.

Example pie chart of paying projects.

The sort of things that it can tell you are:

  • How much time you spend in each application
    • Which browser takes the most tweaking (though you probably know that?)
    • How much time in photoshop against the time spent in blend (as examples!)
  • How much time in a particular file
  • How much time in email - reading and writing - to particlar clients
  • How long it takes you to prepare quotes and specification

In fact, we can map out your day and display it to you, displaying the data however you need it.

We can give your client a login to see how much of your time they have spent if you want them to see it.

In fact, there's a whole host of things that you'll learn by installing the app and running it for a week.

If you'd like to give it a try, please go register and install it.